The Residents’ Council
The residents’ council consists of three to eleven residents. Election of the council members happens at the resident meeting during spring, and the election period last two years. The residents’ council handles the dormitory and represents the residents’ interest, which includes new initiatives, facilities, and handling resident complaints. Furthermore, the council also ensures the general condition of our facilities.
Besides the practical tasks, the council also hosts multiple events throughout the year, such as Sankt Hans, New Year’s Eve, Christmas Dinner, NORK-LAN and summer gatherings.
The residents’ council’s economy is based on a monthly contribution, which is payed through the rent. The amount of the contributions depends on the residency. 1-room apartment pays 15 DKK, while 1½- and 2-room apartments pays 25 DKK. The contributions cover maintenance of our current facilities, as well as paying for new equipment and social events.
The council’s cashier is also elected during the resident meeting, and they are responsible for the council’s economy. This may consist of a maximum of 25.000 kr. Any possible surplus (Minimum 3000 kr.) is deposited on an account at our administrators, DEAS. This account is meant for large transactions and is used only by the permission of both the cashier and the current chairman. The financial accounting covers a year, with a halfway accounting, which ends at the 30th of June. At the resident meetings two accountants will be chosen to revise the financial accountings. The accountants must be given access no later than a month after the end of the financial year, and they in turn have a month to revise the accountings.
The residents are represented in the directors’ board by two resident council members, usually the chairman and vice chairman. Beside the residents’ members the board of directors consists of agents from colleges, the local business communities and public administration. The board handles the administration of the dormitory. The board host two meetings yearly, as well as an accountant meeting during autumn, and a budget meeting during spring.
Feel free to contact the residents council if you have any questions:
Laurits Mumberg | Chairman |
Esben Krogh | Vice-chairman |
Magnus Blumenfeld | Treasurer |
Alexander Zepernick | Member |
Ali Khorami | Member |
Emilie Jensen | Member |
Janina Schiekel | Member |
Jesper Risegaard | Member |
Maksim Hamko | Member |
Resident Meetings
The resident meetings have the highest authority at our dormitory, and functions as the general assembly. The residents meeting is hosted twice a year, once in spring, and once in autumn. The purpose of the meetings is to inform the residents on the current state of affairs, as well as discussing any further developments. During the meeting a representative from DEAS will present the dormitory budget and accountings. During the spring meeting the residents’ council is constituted. The resident has the possibility of presenting any agendas or problems during the resident meetings. Any issues that a resident wish to present must be presented for the residents’ council at least five days before the resident meeting. During the meetings it possible to make changes to the current code of conduct (House Rules).
Residents’ Council Meetings
The residents’ council host, throughout the university semesters, meetings every five weeks, or in when needed. The meetings are public, and all residents are welcome to observe the meetings. The agenda for each meeting will be uploaded to the website, under the agenda/resume tab, at least a week before the meeting. The resumés will likewise be uploaded to the website, in which you can also see which members were present. Decisions are made through a simple majority, in case of a tie, the chairman’s vote counts twice.
- Uge 40
- Summary : 30. september 2020 pdf
- Uge 44
- Summary : 28. oktober 2020 pdf
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- Summary: 1. december 2020 pdf
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- Summary: 16. februar 2021 pdf
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- Summary: 16. marts 2021 pdf
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- Summary: 13. april 2021 pdf
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- Summary: 19. maj 2021 pdf
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- Summary: 24. juni 2021 pdf
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- Summary: 12.08.2021 pdf
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- Summary: 02.09.2021 .pdf
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- Summary: 05.10.2021 .pdf
- Uge 44
- Summary: 01.11.2021 .pdf
- Uge 48
- Summary: 30.11.2021 .pdf
- Uge 8
- Summary 15.02.2022 .pdf
- Summary 21.03.2022 .pdf
- Summary 11.05.2022 .pdf
- Summary 19.06.2022 .pdf
- Summary 05.09.2022 .pdf
- Summary 18.10.2022 .pdf
- Summary 05.12.2022 .pdf
- Summary 16.02.2023.pdf
- Summary 14.03.2023.pdf
- Summary 24.04.2023.pdf
- Summary 13.09.2023.pdf
- Summary 09.10.2023.pdf